Monday, November 9, 2015
This video is all about some of the best football shots in the world. It includes the shot of Ronaldo too.
यो हो २३ लाखमा बिकेको दुनियाको सबैभन्दा महंगो बिस्कुट
अन्ततः यो दुनियाको सबैभन्दा महंगो बिस्कुट बन्न सफल भएको छ । २३ हजार डलर अर्थात् २३ लाख रुपैयाँ भन्दा बढि मूल्यमा बिक्रि हुँदै उक्त ऐतिहासिक बिस्कुटले अर्को इतिहास रचेको छ । हुनत यो विस्कुट बिक्रि नै नभएको भएपनि ऐतिहासिक महत्वकै बिस्कुट हो । किनकी यो बिस्कुट चर्चित टाइटानिक जहाजबाट निकालिएको हो ।
सन् १९१२ मा डुबेको टाइटानिक जहाजमा भेटिएको एउटा बिस्कुट गत हप्ता शनिबार बेलायतमा २३ हजार डलरमा लिलाम भएको छ ।
चौकुने आकारको यो बिस्कुटको पाना आटाबाट बनेको हो र यसको लम्बाइ १० सेन्टिमिटर रहेको छ । टाइटानिक दुर्घटनाको समयमा लाइफबोटमा रहेका जरुरी सामानहरुमा यो बिस्कुट पनि थियो ।
यो बिस्कुटको लिलामी गर्ने एन्ड्रु एलड्रिजका अनुसार स्पिलर्स एण्ड बेकर्स कम्पनीको यो पाइलट नामको बिस्कुट लाइफ बोटको सर्भाइभल किटभित्र फेला परेको हो । यो बिस्कुटलाई सबैभन्दा पहिले जेम्स फेनविकले देखेका थिए र उनले त्यसलाई एउटा चिनोको रुपमा सुरक्षित गरी वाटरप्रुफ खाममा राखेका थिए ।
फेनविक र उनकी पत्नी मावेल आफ्नो तिन महिने हनिमुनका लागि कारप्याथिया जहाज चढेर न्युयोर्कबाट निस्किएका थिए । कारप्याथिया जहाजलाई टाइटानिक जहाज दुर्घटनाका बेला उद्धारमा खटाइएको थियो र सोही क्रममा फेनविकले उक्त बिस्कुट फेला पारेका हुन् । फेनविक सँग टाइटानिक उद्धारका बेलाका विभिन्न तस्वीर लगायतका अद्भुत संग्रह समेत छन् ।
लिलामकर्ताका अनुसार यो दुनियाकै महंगो बिस्कुटलाई २३ हजार डलर मूल्य तिरेर ग्रिसका एक धनाढ्यले खरीद गरेका छन् । एलड्रिजले पछिल्लो बिस वर्षयता टाइटानिक सँग सम्बद्ध विभिन्न सामानहरुको लिलामी गर्दै आएका छन् । तर टाइटानिक सँग सम्बद्ध कुनैपनि वस्तुहरुलाई अहिलेसम्म बिस्कुटको जति मूल्य नपरेको उनी बताउँछन् ।
अनौठो कपडा, महिलामाथि गिद्धेदृष्टि लगाउने पुरुषलाई ठाउँको ठाउँ पार्ने
अब महिलामाथि गिद्धेदृष्टि लगाउने पुरुषलाई अप्ठेरो पर्नेवाला छ । महिलाहरुले लगाउने यस्तो कपडाको निर्माण गरेको छ जसले महिलालाई घुरेर हेर्ने पुरुषलाई ठाउँको ठाउँ पानीपानी पार्नेछ ।
महिलाको जिउमा लगाइएको यो कपडा पुरुषले महिलामाथि गिद्धेनजर लगाउँदा बित्तिकै आफ्नो आकार बदल्छ । उक्त कपडामा यस्ता ग्याजेट तथा फाइबरको प्रयोग गरिएको छुन फैलिने र खुम्चिने गर्छ । जसका कारण महिलाको जिउमाथि गिद्धेनजर लगाउने पुरुषलाई जवाफ दिँदै यो कपडा खुम्चिएर सातो लिन्छ ।
डेलीमेलका अनुसार यो टपरमा एउटा गोप्य क्यामरा तथा माइक्रोकन्ट्रोलर समेत जडान गरिएको हुन्छ । यसले घुर्नेवाला व्यक्ति महिला वा पुरुष को हो भन्ने कुरा पत्ता लगाउँछ । साथै त्यसरी घुरेर हेर्ने मानिसको उमेर र उसले कुन दिशामा हेरेको छ भन्ने कुराको पनि जानकारी दिन्छ ।
यो कपडाले महिलाको जिउको कुन भागमा पुरुषले गिद्धेनजर लगाएको छ भन्ने कुराको पनि जानकारी दिन्छ । अमेरिकाको साउदर्न क्यालिफोर्निया विश्वविद्यालयकी विद्यावारिधीको विद्यार्थी समेत रहेकी बेहनाज फराही नामका डिजाइनरद्धारा बनाइएको उक्त कपडा थ्री डी पि्रन्टिंगको सहायताले निर्माण गरिएको छ । यद्यपि यो कपडा कहिल बजारमा आउँछ भन्ने जानकारी भने दिइएको छ । तर भविष्यमा महिलामाथि हुने यौनहिंसा कम गर्न यसले सहयोग गर्ने भने विश्वास गर्न सकिन्छ । स्मरण रहोस् उनै डिजाइनरले यसअघि थ्री डी प्रिन्टिंगबाट हेलमेट तथा कलर बनाएका थिए ।
सुगाजस्तो देखिने भन्दै यी पुरुषले काटे दुइटै कान, नाकलाई ठोँडजस्तै बनाउने तयारी
केही मानिसको शोख कति भयानक हुन्छ की उनीहरु त्यो शोख पूरा गर्नका लागि आफ्नो ज्यानलाई जस्तोसुकै पीडा दिन तथा कुरुप बनाउन तयार हुन्छन् । आफ्नो घरमा पालेको सुगाप्रति यतिधेरै पागल भएका एक पुरुषले आफुलाई पनि उक्त सुगाजस्तै बनाउनका लागि आफ्ना दुइवटै कान काटेर बुच्चो बनाएका छन् ।
त्यतिमात्र होइन अब उनले आफ्नो नाकको सर्जरी गरेर सुगाको ठोँड जस्तै बनाउने योजना समेत बनाएका छन् । उनले अज्ञात अस्पतालमा ६ घण्टाको अपरेशनमार्फत आफ्ना दुबै काट कटाएका थिए । यसरी कान कटाउने अप्रेशन बेलायतमा अवैध मानिन्छ र सर्जनलाई कारवाही हुने भएकाले उनले सर्जरी गरिएको ठाउँ र डाक्टरको विषय गोप्य राखेका छन् ।
बेलायतको ब्रिस्टोलका बासिन्दा ५६ वर्षीय टेड रिचार्डसनले जिउमा ११० वटा टाटु खोपिसकेका छन् । उनले जिउमा थप ५० वटा प्वाल पारेर सियो रोप्नुका साथै जिब्रो समेत चिरेका छन् । अब उनी यस्तो सर्जनको खोजीमा छन् जसले उनको नाकलाई चराको ठोँड जस्तो बनाइदियोस् ।
जुत्ता कारखानाका अवकाशप्राप्त कर्मचारी रिचार्डसनले आफ्नो घरमा ५ वटा सुगा पालेका छन् । सुगुरका साथै उनको घरमा हरियो छेपारो र कुकुर पनि पालिएको छ । सुगाहरुको नाम इली, टीका, टिम्नेह, जेक र बुबी राखेका छन् ।
सन् १९७६ मा पहिलोपटक जिउमा टाटु खोपाएका उनको जिउमा सद्धे ठाउँ कतै पनि छैन र केही न केही मोडिफिकेसन गरेकै छन् । उनले बायाँ पाखुरामा साढे ७ सय डिग्री सेल्सियस तातो फलामले डामेर टाटु बनाएका छन् भने हातमा दुइवटा चुम्बक प्रत्यारोपण गरेका छन् ।
आफ्नो अनुहारको परिवर्तन अर्थात् सुगास्वरुप आफ्ना दुइ सुगाहरु इली र टीकाप्रति समर्पित गर्ने उनको भनाइ छ । आफु आफ्नो यस्तो स्वरुपप्रति निकै खुसी रहेको उनको दाबी छ । उनले हालै गर्लफ्रेण्ड पनि भेट्टाएका छन् । ३१ वर्षकी प्रेमिका सुजाना पनि लगभग उनकै आनीबानीकी छिन् । उनले पनि जिउमा टाटु तथा सियो खोप्नुका साथै जिब्रो चिरेकी छिन् ।
Sunday, November 8, 2015
यी हुन् दुनियाकी सबैभन्दा मोटी बेहुली, तौल ७३० किलो
यी हुन् विश्वकै सबैभन्दा मोटी दुलही । बिहेमा यी बेहुलीलाई सिँगारपटार गर्नेलाई कति सकस भयो होला ? साँच्ची पसिनै छुट्छ होला ।
३२ वर्षकी सुजेन इमनको तौल ७३० किलो छ । उनी एक हप्तामा यति धेरै खान्छिन् की त्यसले एउटा परिवारलाई कैयौँ हप्तासम्मलाई पुग्दछ ।
३२ वर्षकी सुजेन इमनको तौल ७३० किलो छ । उनी एक हप्तामा यति धेरै खान्छिन् की त्यसले एउटा परिवारलाई कैयौँ हप्तासम्मलाई पुग्दछ ।
यी एकल आमा सुजेनले अहिले एक्लै आफ्ना दुइ बच्चाबच्चीको हेरचाह गरिरहेकी छिन् । सुरुदेखि नै भिमकाय जिउ भएकी सुजेनले छोराछोरीको करका कारण आफ्नो तौल आधाले घटाएकी थिइन् । तर जिउको तौल घटेसँगै उनलाई उनका पूर्वप्रेलीले छाडे । बिहे गर्न ठिक्क परेकी र गाउन समेत सिलाइसकेकी सुजेन हिस्स भइन् ।
तर अहिले उनले अर्को मनको राजा फेला पारेकी छिन् । र, ऊसँग आफ्नो विवाहको विषयलाई लिएर निकै उत्साहित छिन् । उनी दुनियाकै सबैभन्दा वजनदार दुलही बन्न चाहन्छिन् ।
उनी एक सुपरसाइज मोडेल पनि हुन् । मोडलिडबाट राम्रै कमाइ पनि गर्छिन् । आफ्नो जिउप्रति उनलाई माया र गर्व पनि छ । उनी दिनहुँ व्यायाम पनि गर्छिन् ।
उनका नयाँ प्रेमी निक एबटको तौल जम्मा १६८ पाउण्ड छ । उनी पेशाले शेफ हुन् । उनी लेखक पनि हुन् र वजन घटाउने तथा पोषणका बारेमा विभिन्न किताब लेखेका पनि छन् । तथापि प्रेमिका सुसेनले एक पाउण्ड पनि तौल नघटाउन् भन्ने उनको चाहना छ ।
सुसेन निकै सेक्सी तथा आकर्षक रहेको उनी बताउँछन् ।
६ सय फिट अग्लो सिसाको झोलुंगे पुलमा यसरी गरियो सामुहिक योगा
५ सय ९० फिटको उचाइमा रहेको ९८४ फिट लामो झोलुंगे पुल, जसको पिँध काँचको छ र खुट्टाभन्दा तल डरलाग्दो खोँच छ्यांगै देखिन्छ ।
सायद यस्तो पुलमा हिँड्न ठूलै साहस बटुल्नुपर्छ र लरतरो मानिस बिचमै ढल्नसक्छ डरले । तर चीनको सिनिउझाइ नेसनल जियोलोजिकल पार्कमा रहेको यो काँचको पिँधवाला झोलुंगे पुलमा हालै १ सय जना युवतीहरुले गज्जबको सामुहिक योगा प्रदर्शन गरे ।
हुनान प्रान्तस्थित युयांग सहरमा रहेको यो पुलले दुइवटा डाँडालाई जोडेको छ र बीचमा डरलाग्दो खोँच छ । योगाका पारखीहरुले गत बिहीबार नोभेम्बर ५ मा आफ्नो कलात्मक योगा प्रदर्शनका लागि यहीँ पुललाई रोजे । त्यसक्रममा उनीहरुले विभिन्न योगाशनहरु प्रस्तुत गरे ।
हरीत जिवनशैलीको अवधारणलाई प्रवर्धन गर्नुका साथै मानिस र प्रकृतिबीचको मिलापको सन्देश दिनका लागि यी योगी युवतीहरु यस्तो साहसी कार्यमा जुटेका बताइएको छ ।
पहेँलो टप्स र सेतो सुरुवाल लगाएका युवतीहरुले योगाभ्यासकै पोजमा परम्परागत चिनिया नाच हजार हाते बुद्ध पनि प्रदर्शन गर्न भ्याए ।
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Berkshire Hathaway
Berkshire Hathaway Inc. is an American multinational combination holding organization headquartered in Omaha, Nebraska, United States. The organization entirely possesses GEICO, BNSF, Lubrizol, Dairy Queen, Fruit of the Loom, Helzberg Diamonds, FlightSafety International, and NetJets, claims 26% of Kraft Heinz Company and an undisclosed rate of Mars, Incorporated, and has huge minority property in American Express, The Coca-Cola Company, Wells Fargo, IBM and Restaurant Brands International. Berkshire Hathaway arrived at the midpoint of a yearly development in book estimation of 19.7% to its shareholders throughout the previous 49 years (contrasted with 9.8% from the S&P 500 with profits included for the same period), while utilizing a lot of capital, and negligible debt.
The organization is known for its control and authority by Warren Buffett, who is the organization's Chairman of the Board, President, and Chief Executive Officer, and Charlie Munger, the organization's Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors. In the early piece of Buffett's profession at Berkshire, he concentrated on long haul interests in traded on an open market organizations, yet all the more as of late he all the more every now and again purchased entire organizations. Berkshire now claims an assorted scope of organizations including ice cream parlor, retail, railroad, home decorations, reference books, producers of vacuum cleaners, gems deals, daily paper distributed, production and dissemination of regalia, and a few local electric and gas utilities.
By Forbes Global 2000 rundown and recipe, Berkshire Hathaway is the fifth biggest open organization in the world. On August 14, 2014, the cost of the organization's "A" shares hit $200,000 per offer without precedent for the historical backdrop of the organization.
Citigroup is an American multinational theory dealing with a record and budgetary organizations undertaking headquartered in Manhattan, New York City. Citigroup was molded from one of the world's greatest mergers in history by uniting the keeping cash goliath Citicorp and budgetary mix Travelers Group in October 1998. Bank holding association in the US by assets. Its greatest shareholders fuse resources from the Middle East and Singapore. At its stature until the overall financial crisis of 2008, Citigroup was the greatest association and bank on the planet as measured by total assets, with 357,000 employees. In 2007, Citigroup was one of the fundamental vendors in US Treasury securities. Citigroup had the world's greatest cash related organizations framework, spreading more than 140 countries with about 16,000 work environments around the globe. It holds more than 200 million customer records in more than 140 countries.
Citigroup persevered through massive adversities in the midst of the overall budgetary crisis of 2008 and was spared in November 2008 in a tremendous support group by the U.S. government.[10] On February 27, 2009, Citigroup reported that the U.S. government would take a 36% quality stake in the association by changing over US$25 billion in emergency help into consistent stock with a US Treasury credit line of $45 billion to keep the section 11 of the greatest bank on the planet at the time. The lawmaking body guaranteed mishaps on more than $300 billion irritated assets and implanted $20 billion speedily into the association. In kind, the remuneration of the CEO was set at $1 consistently and the most hoisted pay of agents was constrained to $500,000 in genuine cash. Any pay total above $500,000 must be paid with bound stock that couldn't be sold by the delegate until the emergency government help was repaid in full. The U.S. government similarly got control of a vast segment of the seats in the Board of Directors, and the senior organization was subjected to departure by the US government if there were poor execution. By December 2009, the U.S. government stake was diminished from a 36% stake to a 27% stake, after Citigroup sold $21 billion of ordinary shares and esteem in the greatest single offer arrangement in U.S. history, surpassing Bank of America's $19 billion offer arrangement one month prior. By December 2010, Citigroup repaid the emergency help in full and the U.S. government got an additional $12 billion advantage in offering its shares. US Government confinements on pay and oversight of the senior organization were removed after the US government sold its staying 27% stake as of December 2010.
Beginning 2009, Citigroup was one of the Big Four banks in the United States, with Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase and Wells Fargo.
As of June 2012, the year of Citi's 200th celebration, Citigroup had added to an enormous exchange save out the wake of the fiscal crisis with $420 billion in surplus liquid cash and government securities. As of Q1 2012, Citi had a level 1 capital extent of 12.4%, making Citi one of the best-advanced budgetary associations on the planet after billions of dollars in disasters from the money related crisis. This was a result of offering more than $500 billion of its unprecedented assets put in Citi Holdings, which were guaranteed from adversities by the US Treasury while under chose larger part ownership. A one of a kind IRS charge exclusion given to Citi allowed the US Treasury to offer its shares at an advantage, while notwithstanding it asserted Citigroup offers, which over the long haul netted $12 billion. By agent Nayyera Haq, "This (IRS charge) rule was expected to keep corporate marauders from using setback ventures to evade forces, and was never proposed to address the surprising condition where the organization had offers in banks. Likewise, it was absolutely not made to keep the council from offering its shares for a profit." In 2012, Citigroup situated twentieth in size under the Fortune 500 summary. In examination, JPMorgan Chase, which situated sixteenth, was the greatest bank in US.
Bank of America
Bank of America gives its things & organizations through working,100 sparing funds centers, 16,300 ATMs, call centers, & online & adaptable dealing with a record stages. Its Consumer Actual Estate Services part offers client land things including settled & adaptable rate first-lien contract propels for home purchase & renegotiating needs, home estimation credit expansions, & home estimation loans.
Bank of America (dense as BofA) is an American multinational dealing with a record & financial organizations organization headquartered in Charlotte, North Carolina. It is the second greatest bank holding association in the United States by assets.[5] As of 2013, Bank of America is the twenty-first greatest association in the United States by total pay. In 2010, Forbes recorded Bank of America as the third most outstanding association in the world.
The association held 12.2% of all bank stores in the United States in August 2009,[10] & is of the Sizable banks in the United States, close by Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase & Wells Fargo its major competitors. Bank of America works however doesn't as a make a difference obviously keep up retail branches in each of the 50 states of the United States, the District of Columbia & over 40 unique countries. It is a retail keeping funds foot molded impression that serves around 50 million client & small business associations at,151 sparing funds centers & 16,259 automated teller machines.
The bank's 2008 securing of Merrill Lynch made Bank of America the world's greatest wealth organization venture & an essential player in the theory sparing funds market.[8] According to the Scorpio Partnership Global Private Banking Benchmark 2014 it had assets under organization (AuM) of USD,866.6 Bn a development of 12.5% on 2013.
Bank of America has been the subject of a couple cases & examinations with respect to both home credits & financial disclosures doing a reversal to the funds related crisis, including a record settlement of $16.65 billion on August 21, 2014.
JPMorgan Chase
JPMorgan Chase and Co. is an American multinational keeping cash and budgetary organizations HAVE headquarter in New York . It is the greatest bank in the United States, and the world's sixth greatest bank by total assets, with total assets of US$2.35 trillion. Also, it is the sixth greatest open association on the planet as showed by the Forbes Global 2000. It is an essential supplier of cash related organizations, and as demonstrated by Forbes magazine is the world's sixth greatest open association in perspective of a composite positioning. The wall speculations unit of JPMorgan Chase is the second greatest bolster stock interests in the United States. The association was molded in 2000, when Chase Manhattan Corporation merged with J.P. Morgan and Co.
The J.P. Morgan brand, irrefutably known as Morgan, is used by the endeavor sparing cash, asset organization, private keeping cash, private wealth organization, and treasury and securities organizations divisions. Watchman activity within private keeping cash and private wealth organization is done under the aegis of JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.— the genuine trustee. The Chase brand is used for charge card organizations as a part of the United States and Canada. The corporate focal station is arranged at 270 Park Avenue in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. The retail and business bank is headquartered in Chase Tower, Chicago Loop, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. JPMorgan Chase and Co. is thought to be a comprehensive bank.
JPMorgan Chase is one of the Big Four banks of the United States, close by Bank of America, Citigroup, and Wells Fargo. According to Bloomberg, as of October 2011, JPMorgan Chase had surpassed Bank of America as the greatest U.S. bank by resources.
The legacy of the House of Morgan follows its roots to the association of Drexel, Morgan and Co., which in 1895 was renamed J.P. Morgan and Co. (see likewise: J. Pierpont Morgan). Seemingly the most powerful money related organization of its time, J.P. Morgan and Co. financed the arrangement of the United States Steel Corporation, which assumed control over the matter of Andrew Carnegie and others and was the world's initial billion dollar company. In 1895, J.P. Morgan and Co. supplied the United States government with $62 million in gold to skim a bond issue and restore the treasury overflow of $100 million. In 1892, the organization started to back the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad and drove it through a progression of acquisitions that made it the predominant railroad transporter in New England.
Worked in 1914, 23 Wall Street was known as the Place of Morgan, and for quite a long time the bank's central command was the most essential location in American money. At twelve, on September 16, 1920, a terrorist bomb blasted before the bank, harming 400 and slaughtering 38. In the blink of an eye before the bomb went off, a notice note was set in a letter drop at the edge of Cedar Street and Broadway. The notice read: "Recall that we won't endure any more. Free the political detainees or it will make certain demise for every one of you. American Anarchists Fighters." While there are numerous speculations in regards to who was behind the besieging and why they did it, following 20 years of examination the FBI rendered the case inert while never finding the culprits.
In August 1914, Henry P. Davison, a Morgan accomplice, set out to the UK and made an arrangement with the Bank of England to make J.P. Morgan and Co. the restraining infrastructure financier of war bonds for the UK and France. The Bank of England turned into a "financial operators" of J.P. Morgan and Co., and the other way around. The organization additionally put resources into the suppliers of war hardware to Britain and France. Along these lines, the organization benefitted from the financing and acquiring exercises of the two European governments.
In the 1930s, all of J.P. Morgan and Co. alongside all coordinated saving money organizations in the United States, was required by the procurements of the Glass–Steagall Act to independent its venture managing an account from its business saving money operations. J.P. Morgan and Co. worked as a business bank, in light of the fact that at the time business loaning was seen as more beneficial and prestigious. Moreover, numerous inside J.P. Morgan trusted that a change in political atmosphere would in the long run permit the organization to resume its securities organizations however it would be almost difficult to reconstitute the bank in the event that it were dismantled.
In 1935, in the wake of being banished from securities business for over a year, the heads of J.P. Morgan spun off its venture managing an account operations. Driven by J.P. Morgan accomplices, Henry S. Morgan (child of Jack Morgan and grandson of J. Pierpont Morgan) and Harold Stanley, Morgan Stanley was established on September 16, 1935, with $6.6 million of nonvoting favored stock from J.P. Morgan accomplices. Keeping in mind the end goal to reinforce its position, in 1959, J.P. Morgan converged with the Guaranty Trust Company of New York to frame the Morgan Guaranty Trust Company. The bank would keep on working as Morgan Guaranty Trust until the 1980s, preceding starting to move back toward the utilization of the J.P. Morgan brand. In 1984, the gathering at long last bought the Purdue National Corporation of Lafayette Indiana, uniting a history between the two figures of Salmon Portland Chase and John Purdue. In 1988, the organization at the end of the day started working only as J.P. Morgan and Co.
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